NTN Bearing Vietnam Co.,LTD

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

NTN Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognize the importance of information that can lead to the identification of our individual customers (hereinafter, “Personal Information”), and the Company will comply, in relation to the protection of Personal Information, with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and our internal regulations, etc. that the Company has established in connection with the protection of Personal Information and, at the same time, put into action the following programs:

Collection of Personal Information

The Company will, from time to time, ask our customers to provide Personal Information (such as E-mail address, name, postal address and telephone number) in connection with the use of this website, any inquiry or request for informational materials by our customers, or our questionnaire survey activities. In either case, the Company will collect such Personal Information only to the extent that the information is necessary for the achievement of any of such purposes as set forth in the section below, “Purpose of Personal Information Use”, and solely within the appropriate scope. In addition, Personal Information will be collected through provision (registration) by customers based on their consent.

Purpose of Personal Information Use

Personal Information to be provided to the Company by our customer will be used only to the extent that such information is necessary for the achievement of any of the following Utilization Purposes, and the Company will not use the information for any other purpose without obtaining prior consent from our customers:

  • For the purpose of sending our catalogue or any of our products, etc.;
  • For the purpose of providing information about any of our products or services;
  • For the purpose of responding to an inquiry or request, etc. from our customers, stockholders, or investors;
  • For the purpose of performing any contract with any of our clients;
  • For the purpose of requesting participation in our questionnaire survey;
  • For the purpose of carrying out our various campaign activities;
  • For the purpose of stockholder management ;
  • For the purpose of seminar, an exhibition, etc. notification that the Company will hold (sponsor, co-sponsor, or support);
  • For the purpose of our recruiting activities (including the use of Personal Information in our questionnaire for future recruiting activities);
  • For the purpose of responding to any legal requirement or official notice or guidance from any administrative agency; or
  • For any other purpose relating to which the Company has acquired a consent from our customers.

Discloser/Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

The Company will not disclose or make available to any third party any Personal Information that the Company has collected from our customers, provided, however, except for any one of the following cases:

  • When the Company has obtained consent from the relevant customer.
  • When the Personal Information is utilized in the form of statistical data that will not lead to the identification of any individual customer;
  • When the disclosure of Personal Information is required by any law or regulation or by any court or public agency including the police authority;
  • When the disclosure of Personal Information is required in order to protect the life, body or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain consent of the relevant customer;
  • When the handling of Personal Information is specifically necessary required for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain consent of the relevant customer;
  • When our cooperation is required in relation to the execution of affairs set forth in any law or regulation by any national agency or local public body or any person acting on behalf thereof, and it is feared that obtaining prior consent of the relevant customer will be impede the execution of such affairs; or
  • When it is necessary to disclose or make available the Personal Information to any of our subcontractors carrying out part of our operations or any of our distributors selling our products, only to the extent that it is necessary for the achievement of any of the Purposes of Personal Information Use:

Management of Personal Information

The Company will store and manage Personal Information in an environment under appropriate security measures in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations as well as our internal regulations concerning the management of Personal Information, in order to prevent the leakage, alteration, loss or use of Personal Information for any purpose other than the Utilization Purposes. In addition, the Company will provide appropriate educational and informative programs to our employees concerning the proper handling of Personal Information.

It should be noted that the Company maintains proper control over the disclosure and provision of Personal Information to any third party.

Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc.

When we receive a request from our customers for disclosure, correction, addition, elimination, or suspension of use in connection with the Personal Data held by the Company, we will respond to such a request within a reasonable period of time and within a reasonable range after we have confirmed the person making such request is the relevant customer. It should be noted that the suspension of use of all or part of Personal Information could, against our will, prevent the delivery of our services in accordance with the wishes of the customer.

Contact for Inquiry about the Handling of Personal Information

Please contact following department regarding any inquiry concerning Personal Information in our possession:

Corporate Communications Dept.
Group Management HQ.
NTN Corporation
Daibiru-Honkan Bldg., 3-6-32, Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530-0005, Japan

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